Free Thinking Distortions Workbook

Thinking Distortions BrainThinking Distortions are default, negative thinking patterns our minds develop as a result of our experiences. These negative patterns impact our emotional and physical experiences and cause distress in our lives.  There are many thinking distortions, such as Catastrophic Thinking, Overgeneralization, and Mind Reading.

The challenge is identifying the cause and finding a better response. Many people think it’s just not possible.

The good news is we can challenge thinking distortions, often eliminating them. It’s not easy work and can be confusing for someone new to the process. Many tools are overwhelming, confusing, or assume you already know how. I got frustrated looking for a good resource when I started.

That’s why I put together my own, simple, four-page workbook. It lists 14 Common Thinking Distortions, how to recognize them, and has a worksheet that walks you through challenging them. It’s the process I used on my own path to healing. It’s a deliberate and step-by-step process that exposes the automatic thoughts in your mind and the triggers that set them off. From there, I walk you through challenging them and finding a better response – a healthier response.

Need more? To make sure you’re successful, I also includes a link to a video that explains the entire process as I walk you through two examples.

You can do this.


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